Been waiting for you to end up here!

Monday, 12 January 2015


       We all want to live beautiful lives. Ain't that right? Of course we all do want to live beautiful lives. But then whether we like it or not or whether we notice it or not, we do not just suddenly attract people, as a matter of fact, it is not YOU that makes you attractive but what makes YOU you! There are things that build us up and also things that bring us down. Now I do not know whether we know how it feels like to be deprived of our best desires and achievements we deserve because we have been naughty in our little or way large ways.
       The super hero we all fell in love with when we were kids (Superman) cos of his undying desire to save lives, his strength and super abilities had one weakness called kryptonite. Kryptonite is a material from the Superman mythos, specifically the ore form of a radioactive element from Superman's home planet of Krypton. If you can remember, you will recall that once Superman is in his super saving mode and he comes in contact with this thing, it immediately saps his strength and he can fight no more. The sad part is that at that moment, Superman is on the same level as his enemy he was fighting against and it could happen several times as far as Kryptonite wasn't destroyed. It came to my knowledge even that one could use it for a girl or a guy that is thier weakness. Well that's not the point.
       This is where I am headed. We could get soooo comfortable with our lives at some point to the extent that little things begin to sap our strength and for those who know God, begin to take you away from God. Until "kryptonites" in our lives are destroyed, every progress we think we make do not matter. It could be anger, hatred, lust, unforgiveness, jealousy, a girl or a guy maybe and on and on and on...You know these things that are not meant to be named with you...We might not realize how much they tell on us until its too late. I'm saying we all have kryptonites and its best if we identify them early and send them packing befor they destroy this today!


  1. I'm sending all my kryptonites away starting from those on


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