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Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Best Seller!

Everybody in life has a story to tell. Everyone wants to be heard everywhere. What you should do is make yours the best seller. What makes your own story a best seller? The things you do differently, the things you say differently either to yourself or to people around you. The people you love. The people you try to love. The way you keep being strong in life's toughest situations, the way you keep smiling to the toughest people. The way you love and treat your family, the way you love your God. Yes, he is your God. He belongs to you. The way your heart's beauty is, beyond words, that is. The way you keep all hurt and pain behind you no matter what or who it is from. The way you change the World by who you are and who your past circumstances have helped you to be. The way you never blame God for anything that has happened to you or will ever happen but trust Him and promise yourself that it is all part of God's great plan for your life. The way you say to yourself "Yes, I went through this but I know God still has my back". Shalom!