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Monday, 17 February 2014

The Dreamer's World!

                Many of us are afraid to dream. We are scared of letting our mind wander and picture the things we want to see, the things we want in life. Even though we finally let ourselves dream, we toss them off immediately cos we sat "it can't happen". But whether we like it or not, we have a mind that naturally wants to go beyond the now. Our minds want to see all things as beautiful even in the toughest times. And what we do is stop our minds, keep them from dreaming. 
                Your dream is anything you hope for, long for or you are ambitious for. You are not meant to bother yourself whether your dream is attainable or not. Just dream. Look beyond your present hurt, pain or tears. Look into your future that is so promising and so great.
                Any dream I have is my world and then anything I want to have, I see them in the eyes of my many ‘worlds’. I feel that once you have seen it happen in your world, then it will happen. This is not limited however to only the Positive.  It applies to the Negative also. Do not see yourself in an unpleasant situation but see yourself always winning. See yourself always at the top, see yourself getting your dream girl, (Laughs). 
                Your dream is your world. Your presently unattainable world. That doesn't mean is ever going to remain that way. You are preparing yourself for when you are going to be living large.....