Wow! It's been a while. Am back....please forgive
I was talking to someone few days ago and I got this illustration in my head. I convinced myself that a lot of us actually struggle on how to make sure that we keep some people in our lives. We struggle in being happy just because of some happenings. I really hope that this will help a little if not so much....
Let's compare our lives to a tree. That's right! A tree. You would agree with me that there are major parts on a tree. We have the leaves, branches and roots.
Now, some people in our lives are like leaves. No matter how beautiful a leaf might seem or how great it looks with the tree, it is there just for a moment. After a while, it could just take rain or breeze or even someone to take them off. Whether we like it or not, there are people in our lives that are not meant to last longer than their usual life- span which is just for a moment. In times of situations or life's troubles, they fall off. It's quite unfortunate that some of these people are the one we hold so dear in our hearts. There are also branches. It seems like these particular people will be in our lives all through but then, still a matter of time for them to be gone. But then, there are roots.They are there from the very foundation and they remain with you despite any tragic story. They are there strong for us.
Which do you pay attention to in your life? We might be asking that how am I meant to know which the person is? I really don't know. What I know is I think its high time we start giving or rather making even our very own selves priorities for us. We cannot let human beings determine when we are joyful and when its the other way round. What I am very sure of is that there are always these three categories and we should actually let them perform their functions in our lives. People are not the reasons we live, they are just compliments.