Been waiting for you to end up here!

Sunday, 5 April 2015

For Micheal

So I don't think I've posted anything like this before but I wrote it a long time ago and came across it today. Just wanted to share it. It has not title. Lol!

Falling in love, right now falling looks hard
I need to find my way back to the start
Cos when we were in love, things were better than they are
Get me back into 'still in love with you'
I want to still be in love with you
I heard that people dream of the ones they love
And long to be held by them again
In my head I'm like 'it's all fantasy'
People are not meant to be in your life forever
But that was before I met you
Before I was held by you
Before I was loved by you
And I spoilt my shining; I ruined it
I pushed you away
For no just cause
And did not look in the direction you went
So that if ever I come back to my senses
I could trace your steps and find you
And then at this moment, soaked in my regrets
You're gone
Now I dream of you
And I want to be held by you
So much to ask? I know now
Someone else has loved you
Someone else has backed up your dreams
Someone else has assured you of love forever
The same thing I did
And then the promise I broke
But in all, I love you
I know now that I do.

So yeah, that's it. I hope you like it.



I know its been a while. *covers face*. I'm so sorry. Other things got my attention. I'm back now plus been trying to get my inspiration back. So basically, I came across a website with so much talent and beauty and art and ummm it inspired me. Got me thinking on a lot of things. So please check it out. I'm sure you won't regret it. Its



Saturday, 24 January 2015

Name it whatever...

By Tyler Perry.

Yes, this is a long one but don’t act like you don’t have two minutes to read it. LOL.
I remember being a very young little boy going to visit my Grandmother. Everybody called her Aunt May. It was always a trip I enjoyed because she had the most interesting things around her house. She had things I had never seen before, like an old washing machine on the back porch where you fed clothes through the wringer. I got my hand caught in it one time; not a good feeling, lol. I also remember her wood stove and her outhouse. She didn’t have indoor plumbing at the time. When I would arrive there with my parents I would jump out of the car, run past the chickens, and up the old wooden steps into the old rundown 4 room house. It looked to be leaning from the outside, and on the inside, there was newspaper stuffed in the cracks of the wall. I loved the faces on the black and white comics hanging out of the walls. It made my heart happy, but my hands would get slapped if I pulled them out, especially in the winter. I didn’t know that was the insulation. The house had no heat.

In the front room of the house there was this very old man in a bed. His skin was like bronze, and to my little boy eyes, it looked like a million wrinkles ran through it. When he would open his eyes, I’d see that they were grey and faint. His name was Papa Rod. That’s all I knew about him until I was told that he was born a slave. Of course, I didn’t know what that meant at the time. I was too busy studying the quilt that was covering his body to pay attention, to tell you the truth. This quilt looked as if it had millions of colors and millions of patches to my little boy eyes. I thought to myself, “that is an ugly quilt? Why didn’t my Grandmother go to Kent’s or TG&Y (if you know these stores you’re telling your age, lol) and get a good quilt like my mamma had? What is this raggedy thing?” Later on that night, when we would go to bed, my Grandmother would bring lots of these homemade quilts that she had made from her old dresses and scraps and put them on the bed for us. I thought to myself, “all these quilts are ugly, they smell like mothballs, but my it sure is warm.”

When I was about 21 I decided to move away, and guess what, here came my mother giving me one of my Grandmother’s quilts. By then, I had an appreciation for the hard work that went into making it. So, I appreciated it, but I was still a bit embarrassed by it. I took the quilt with me to Atlanta. I not only used that quilt to keep me warm at night, especially when I was sleeping in my car, but I used it when I had to get on the ground to work on my car. Now don’t get me wrong, it was special to me because my Grandmother had made it, but when you’re in a struggle nothing has much value. So, I would use it for whatever and whenever I needed it. Most of the time it was thrown in the trunk for wrapping tools or thrown in the closet until I needed it.
Not long after I moved to Atlanta things got really bad. I remember coming home from work one day. I was behind on my rent, and the sheriff had evicted me and set all my things out on the street in the rain. I drove up shocked, and I got out of the car trying to get all the things of value that were left that my neighbors hadn’t picked through. In my mind, they had taken everything of value, but there on the ground was my Grandmother’s quilt. I used it as a bag. I put as many of my clothes in it that I could and stuffed it into the car and left. I went to a storage company and put what few things I had left in storage and started trying to find a place to live.

Stay with me. I’m going somewhere with this. A few months later, I couldn’t afford to pay the storage bill. So, I just let it go, losing everything in storage including the quilt.
Now, let me take you to my deeper point. A few years ago, I saw a familiar looking quilt. It looked just like the ones that my Grandmother had handmade. It brought back so many memories. I knew it wasn’t the same quilt, but I also knew that somebody’s grandmother or great-grandmother had made that quilt and I was embarrassed that they had taken such good care of it.
As I was studying the lines and the stitching I got a lump in my throat. It looked so much like my Grandmother’s work. What was so surprising to me was that the very quilt I thought was so ugly through my little boy eyes, as a man, I realized that I was looking at a masterpiece. I asked the curator about the quilt, and she started telling me the story. This woman, who no doubt didn’t know anything about my Grandmother, was telling me my history. She was describing my Grandmother’s quilt. She said it was made by an African American woman and that her family had kept it for years. All of the fabrics dated back to different times in history. There were patches from dresses and her rags from the civil war to the civil rights era. As I was taking it in, I had to ask her what it was worth. She told me that this quilt wasn’t for sale because the family didn’t want to sell it. They knew the value, but she said you could get a few of these limited and rare quilts with this kind of history for around twelve thousand to one hundred thousand dollars each. My jaw hit the floor. I was so embarrassed that I had this treasure in my house, in my possession, in my life, and I had treated it like a rag. What a lesson for us all.

It made me think about us as humans. We are so much more valuable than a material thing, but sometimes in life we have people in our lives that should be treated like treasures. Instead, we discard them and treat them like rags, like my Grandmother’s quilt. We only use them when we need to be warm or comforted. Like that quilt, we think they’re worthless until we need them, and like that quilt, it takes somebody else to point out their value to us after they are gone.

If you are like that quilt, and you are being treated like you don’t matter or being pushed aside and used only when you are needed, stop letting that happen to you. You are worth more than the people that created you know. My grandmother had no idea that one day her quilts would be worth millions. She had lots of them. She created it and didn’t know, which tells me that it’s possible for your parents not to know that you are a treasure. Like that quilt, you are beautiful in your patches, and it took all of those patches to make you whole and who you are. Each one of them represents something in your life that you’ve been through. Wear them with pride. Like that quilt and its thread, something held you together through it all. Like that quilt, even if the people that you give warmth to are not giving you the care you need, you still have value beyond what they know. Like that quilt, you are made from fabrics that have endured and seen more than most people could imagine and you’re still here. Like that quilt, if someone who is immature can’t appreciate your beauty, I’m sure a grown up will. Like that quilt, you are a treasure. Your story matters. I wish my Grandmother’s quilt would have come with a label telling me how special and valuable it was and would be. Then the young foolish man that I was would have known how to handle it, to treat it with care. But unlike that quilt, you have a voice. Use it. Start demanding that you are treated like the treasure that you are!
I love you,
God bless.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Fix them one by one!

Today I had to take a failed course again for the first time and strangely it was awesome. This was one of the many consequences of the mistakes I have made in the past and up until today, I felt really terrible. All I could think of was how was it going to turn out? I, at a point kept on focusing on how much I had lost it that it blinded me to the solutions and the new dawn that I had.
But then mistakes could be fixed, depends on how much you want them fixed. I know that we have heard several times about the mistakes that people make that could destroy their lives forever but with me I do not think it is so. It doesn’t matter how late the change comes, we should be happy that it comes anyway. There is always a fresh start, a new dawn, a new beginning entirely and only if you would just grasp the change that is coming your way, you could re- write your story. Every bad story is made up either the wrong combinations of things or a collection of wrong ideas; it’s basically filled up with things that do not work. Take these things one at a time. If you try to gulp them in all at once, it will consume you.
It does not matter what you think you’ve lost, the truth is if you keep pondering on those things, the truth is you will be too distracted to know the exact time that your change has arrived. Like I always say, let go of the past and embrace the graceful future ahead of you even if it is a future of one day.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Bloggy handlettering with inspirations..


       We all want to live beautiful lives. Ain't that right? Of course we all do want to live beautiful lives. But then whether we like it or not or whether we notice it or not, we do not just suddenly attract people, as a matter of fact, it is not YOU that makes you attractive but what makes YOU you! There are things that build us up and also things that bring us down. Now I do not know whether we know how it feels like to be deprived of our best desires and achievements we deserve because we have been naughty in our little or way large ways.
       The super hero we all fell in love with when we were kids (Superman) cos of his undying desire to save lives, his strength and super abilities had one weakness called kryptonite. Kryptonite is a material from the Superman mythos, specifically the ore form of a radioactive element from Superman's home planet of Krypton. If you can remember, you will recall that once Superman is in his super saving mode and he comes in contact with this thing, it immediately saps his strength and he can fight no more. The sad part is that at that moment, Superman is on the same level as his enemy he was fighting against and it could happen several times as far as Kryptonite wasn't destroyed. It came to my knowledge even that one could use it for a girl or a guy that is thier weakness. Well that's not the point.
       This is where I am headed. We could get soooo comfortable with our lives at some point to the extent that little things begin to sap our strength and for those who know God, begin to take you away from God. Until "kryptonites" in our lives are destroyed, every progress we think we make do not matter. It could be anger, hatred, lust, unforgiveness, jealousy, a girl or a guy maybe and on and on and on...You know these things that are not meant to be named with you...We might not realize how much they tell on us until its too late. I'm saying we all have kryptonites and its best if we identify them early and send them packing befor they destroy this today!

Sunday, 11 January 2015

The all about God syndrome!!!

        If you are like my "past me", then you are yet to experience your best days. You know some of us grew up to see Christianity as sooo boring and definitely something we wanted to have nothing to do with. Well I did not, I don't know about you. At this point, you could be soo satisfied with your usual everyday, normal life though sometimes it could be the other way round, if not most times. this is when you notice addictions, sorrows, disappointments, low self- esteem and every other thing you struggle with. Think about them...they make you feel horrible.
       But then, there is this one person that loves you too much even when you did not know he existed. Like your knowing even makes the difference cos' even though you know he exists, you still hang him on the shelf till probably when trouble knocks and you remember there is big and terrific God somewhere. This person is God...very indescribable I tell you..He's so big, so massive and at the same time so little that he lives inside even the tiniest baby in the loving, so full of faith in you, he's got your back anythime..I really wish you desire to know this God cos' when I started, I realized that I do not even want to lose him. I love him and I want you to love him tooo.
      It all starts from you recognizing first that he is and confessing that you love him. Cos trust me, until you realize life is all about him, it will never makes sense to you; why somethings happen? how life works? When you love a being, your heart is encompassed with the very things that make that person, smiles, words, warmth..but you have to know and decide that no matter what, its going to be all about God..