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Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The Difference!

Have you ever seen a really attractive person -- someone people can't help but turn and stare at as they walk by? People with great God-given beauty may make a great impression, but it will be forgotten when the next beautiful person comes along. It takes something better for what you think was awesome to be forgotten.
We are all beautiful but are our actions beautiful? Your actions are what distinguish you, what makes the difference apart from the pretty face.
Ask yourself this question. Am I beautiful inside? Everyone falls for your outer beauty but do they also fall for your inner beauty?I think that the next time you want to call yourself beautiful or handsome, you should think twice. What are those things you do that you know are not pleasing? Ask yourself! How do I treat people around me? How do I make someone's day better? What is that one remarkable attitude that people know me for? These are the kind of questions that should be going through our minds every single time we are about to praise ourselves.
Let us always try our best to leave a lasting impact that will differentiate you from others. Do something differently. One thing I know that keeps one happy is helping people. Just change someone's life and be happy!

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