Been waiting for you to end up here!

Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Fab Life for...Free: Exploring the DNA of Christian Spoken Word Artist,...

 For all the spoken word poetry lovers....this is Janette..

The Fab Life for...Free: Exploring the DNA of Christian Spoken Word Artist,...: God's annointing is definitely flowing all over Christian spoken word artist, Janette ...ikz!  I had the distinct pleasure of catching ...

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


According to my understanding of this strange word that emerged from somewhere into even the English Dictionary, a selfie is simply a personal picture taken by you. No one needs to picture you, you picture yourself. One amazing thing about a selfie is that you can see or decide on how you want it to be. You see how you look like by yourself. Everyone likes to take selfies. Wee I think its cos you are responsible for however it turns out. That means that there wont be enough time for you to blame it on the person that took you the picture.
It is when you see a selfie that you took that you discover some things that you might consider strange. It is then you discover you have a pimple or that your nose is not as big as your best friend said it was. Also, you could see that what you saw in your last selfie was gone. What I am trying to say is that I am sure that no matter how many selfies you take and when you take them, they never look the same, no matter how minimal, which means that you are never at the same spot; something no matter what it is changes about you. The same way you were yesterday is not the same way you are today. You could take a selfie today, all happy because you got a new dress. And you could take another one tomorrow, sad that you did not pass an exam. A selfie never remains the same.
The circumstances may be the same but something has definitely changed about you. Hours were added to your life. It might be hard to see something positive when it is like 99% negative. But just like you always want to see a beautiful selfie, see how beautiful you are, how beautiful things are, how beautiful your future is. You should have a mental image of what you want to see after the last selfie. We all know how we feel when we take a “not so fine” selfie not even a terrible selfie. We are always quick to press delete. We are determined that the next one we take , our heads are going to be positioned this way, we are going to make our cheeks seem fatter than they look and on and on. If the last time you checked yourself, you did not like something, you were satisfied with how you have been acting or how you have made things to be, be quick to press delete and make the next one good. Let me remind us that we are one of our greatest fans. No one can praise or criticize you more than yourself.
Be determined to make your next selfie better than the last one. It could only get better if you want it to though. No matter what, make sure you never stop taking selfies!.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Some just need help!

      A friend of mine said to himself that that was the sixteenth time he was going to see that same attendant in that same shop with that same face! It became very annoying to him and he couldn't help it one day, he decided walked up to  her. As he approached her, he couldn't explain why he began to change his mind. A lot of ideas on how to start the conversation with this woman ran through his mind at the same time and amazingly, he found himself sweating. He walked to her anyways and said hello. The usual attendant in the mall's uniform, blue and orange, would have said, "hello, what can I do for you? Right? But she didn't. According to him, she stared at him continuously and by that time, his palms were dripping. I really hope you are laughing cos I did a lot of that. The next thing my friend said was "can I have a bottle of coke please?" LOL. (at this point, I think I was on the floor).
      He decided to check the other stores for what his kid brother had been pestering him for. He passed by one of the empty rooms and whoa! he saw that same attendant, using his words, soaked in tears. After watching her for a while, he summoned courage and walked up to her. After a long talk, a non- fairy tale had been narrated to him. Let me not bore you with the issues!
      All I am trying to say is that some people just need a shoulder to cry on, some just need help. Some just need someone to smile. People have different needs, it is not until you hear cars or my children's school fees before you are convinced that people need help. Therefore, YOU have a great role to play in this. Instead of just judging, think, what could be wrong? What can I do? I know that some people have retreated to not helping people because they are usually not recognized or something. Just do it anyways. Be the different one that should go the extra mile to make sure someone is fine. I guarantee you that you will not always get rewarded but at least you did something. Every ungrateful person still has a memory, right? Remember, we are trying to get the heart right here. And these are just steps.

INSPIRATION | Welcome to Iweanya Writes

INSPIRATION | Welcome to Iweanya Writes

Sunday, 6 April 2014

They are compliments!

Wow! It's been a while. Am back....please forgive
          I was talking to someone few days ago and I got this illustration in my head. I convinced myself that a lot of us actually struggle on how to make sure that we keep some people in our lives. We struggle in being happy just because of some happenings. I really hope that this will help a little if not so much....
Let's compare our lives to a tree. That's right! A tree. You would agree with me that there are major parts on a tree. We have the leaves, branches and roots.
            Now, some people in our lives are like leaves. No matter how beautiful a leaf might seem or how great it looks with the tree, it is there just for a moment. After a while, it could just take rain or breeze or even someone to take them off. Whether we like it or not, there are people in our lives that are not meant to last longer than their usual life- span which is just for a moment. In times of situations or life's troubles, they fall off. It's quite unfortunate that some of these people are the one we hold so dear in our hearts. There are also branches. It seems like these particular people will be in our lives all through but then, still a matter of time for them to be gone. But then, there are roots.They are there from the very foundation and they remain with you despite any tragic story. They are there strong for us.
            Which do you pay attention to in your life? We might be asking that how am I meant to know which the person is? I really don't know. What I know is I think its high time we start giving or rather making even our very own selves priorities for us. We cannot let human beings determine when we are joyful and when its the other way round. What I am very sure of is that there are always these three categories and we should actually let them perform their functions in our lives. People are not the reasons we live, they are just compliments.